
  • Ich could develop my "queer identity"
    how am I?
    how should I be?
    what should I avoid?
  • der queer-bekehrer - how ridiculous they waren
  • die "love-story" mit Lutz
  • the behaviour of the real and uninitiated "co-actors" by the boxing scene
  • the electro music at the end (rolling names...)
  • like by Borat: I enjoyed that they challenged the people with their unexpected behaviour around them (until they don't hurt essential feelings) - I liked to play role with a Freundin on street spontaneously, f.e. by the red light: "I wanted that child!" - and she reacted at once: "But I have to study, to build my carrier...!"
  • The idea that the actor could be "shtreit".
  • "challenging" too far, f.e. involving children and parents
  • explicit nudity
  • it reinforces negative stereotypes
wikipedia (deleted scenes, making etc.)

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