Star Wars

I used to be a Star Wars-virgin... until Friday.

I fell in love in the 2nd (5th) part with the buttocks of Luke

But I realized, the cameraman (or George Lucas himself?) was also under their influence. I think we can see more often these cheeks of the boy. It's simply

That's why Yoda tried to convince him to be

If I could be on his place, I would also just groan:

But I know...


I can't do about it, they are simply

Somehow got the buttocks of Luke much less role in the 3rd (6th) part (evel dark and long clothes). So I had to find another game: editing the subtitles. Just adding some words :-)

original: Now I owe you one.

original: What?

original: Hey!

original: I'm all right, pal.

= original

Hagia Sophia / Aya Sofia, Istanbul

simply magnificent

dirty Turkish

Hereby the words I missed from my small tourist dictionary. Thank you guys (F & Co.) for your lessons!

(!) = "low language", vulgar
(C) = child language
(G) = gay language, wouldn't be understood under straight people

butt - popo, göt, kıç, kayısı (="apricot")
to fuck - sikmek, düzüşmek, sokuşmak (="to put in, to insert"; !) çakışmak (="to coincide; to fit into one another"; !), kolilemek (koli="parcel, package"; G)
gay - gay, homoseksüel, eşcinsel, lübünya (G)
to masturbate - 31 [otuz bir] çekmek (="to pull 31 (times)"), çekmek, asılmak (!)
penis - pipi (C), sik, yarrak (!), similya (G)
sperm - sperm, meni (scient.), döl (!), tohum (="seed"), bel suyu (="waist juice"), süt (="milk")
stupid - gerizekalı, aptal, salak, kuşbeyinl (="birdbrain")
to suck - somurmak, emmek (also for babies)
vagina - vajina, am, kutu (="box"), kuku, amcık (!), şefta (="peach")